Check out my 45-minute interview on WCNL FM 94.7 with Steve Smith on Oct 27th.
In Steve's words, "Don Bettencourt (R-Sunapee) is here as we talk about his bid for NH State House. We learn how Don and his wife put everything on the line to start a business, teaching their sons hard work, being in the "blue group" in gym class as a youngster & how that honesty helped mold him today, where he stands on abortion in NH, thoughts on energy, how he moved to New Hampshire by accident, and more:
Candidate for NH State Representative
Don Bettencourt
Claremont, Croydon, Springfield, Sunapee,
Goshen, Lempster, Acworth, Washington, Langdon
Please Join the Conversation...
If you provide your contact information above, I'll email you when new surveys are posted or there is other news. I look forward to hearing from you!

This is the 2nd Direct Mailer (6" x 11" Postcard) of the 2022 mid-term Election season. Please be sure to get out and vote on November 8th, or sooner by Absentee Ballot!

Here is my first direct mail piece for the 2022 Election cycle. If you live in a Sullivan District 8 town, and are registered as Republican or Undeclared, you should be receiving the paper version of this postcard in your mailbox this week....

Most of us want the same things....
Who doesn't want peace, prosperity, and a purpose in life? And most of us want to be "one nation under God". Let's focus on those common goals and work together to find the best way to achieve them.
NH’s government is unique in its ability to reach out to every one of its citizens. We have 400 State Representatives – far more than any other state. Pennsylvania is second with 203 and 28 states have 103 or fewer reps in their lower chamber. Nebraska has none! Here’s the full list.
That gives NH's 1.38 million residents an average of one State Rep for each 3,444 citizens or roughly one Rep per 2,700 adults. With today’s technology we can listen and easily exchange ideas with each other through surveys, email, blogs, and on-line meetings. I want to listen to your views and represent you!
I’m running because I think it’s time that our representatives at every level of government have an "I want what you want" approach to problem solving as opposed to the common "You want what I want" approach. By listening to your wants, needs, and ideas I can help focus on common sense solutions that are equally fair to all parties.
Support and Endorsements

"There is no greater time than the present to stand up to the increasing encroachment by the state and federal governments into our personal and economic choices. It is important that we have voices in Concord who can articulate and advocate the values of individual liberty."
NH Liberty Alliance
Reopen NH
(802) 952-0362
(Don't be concerned about the 802 area code -- I've never lived in Vermont but NH has run out of 603's.)
PO Box 608
Sunapee, NH 03782